Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Mysore Malaya Blue Film


family time with our children is always one of the most beautiful thing we can do. Many times the school, studies, work and other activities we are left with adequate time to pay attention to what deserves more attention in our lives: our family.

The choice of activity performed must be given together, it is good that the little think and feel heard, that their parents are adapted for that day at the age of their children and play and feel one more of them, in this case the little ones feel important and want their parents to feel comfortable teaching also the activities in day to day with their friends.
Finally, the relationship that often occurs in an outdoor activity with the children may bring a confidence that is not always at home, so that they see their parents as friends and making her increasingly entrenched relationship more.

addition, there is evidence that a few hours outdoors in Contact with nature can be the best therapy for hyperactive children is to say with attention deficit syndrome. A park, a farm house's backyard ... any land in square inches of grass can help relieve symptoms caused by this disorder, characterized by hyperactivity, impulsivity and inattention.

This has been shown to scientists at the University of Illinois (USA) after studying 452 families with hyperactive children aged between five and 18 years. According to responses from their parents, the young were more calm after outdoor activities, and were more calm in the hour after that when played indoors, both after school and during weekends.

Among the issues raised by the families highlighted the ability of hyperactive children to focus on unappealing tasks, following directions, listening to elders and finish small chores. The benefits were similar for all, regardless of who lived in rural or urban, coastal or interior, and no differences of gender or socioeconomic status.

According to the researchers, led by Dr. Frances Kuo and Andrea Farber, "These findings have important implications." In his opinion, a small dose of 'green time' a day could help to control this attention deficit disorder (ADHD according to the Anglo-Saxon terminology) Crossing a green way to school or choosing a playground with grass instead of cement are some of the advice directed to parents, "one does not go to a distant forest."

According to the authors, all are advantages: you can take advantage of the nearest parks, is free and easily accessible to the world, lacks any kind of social stigma and also lacks side effects.
"Although current pharmacological treatments are effective for most children with ADHD," said Dr. Frances, "many of them can not tolerate." In his view, the natural choice not only enable more effective treatments for hyperactive children who are already receiving therapy, but could become an effective alternative for the rest.

Here attached the full document. (The document is in English)

On page 6 of this document, you will find the comments made by specialists Frances Kuo and Andrea Farber about the study.

Are you most interested in learning more about the topic of ADHD, I invite you visit these links:

Now it's fun!

order to enjoy an outdoor activity with the children of the house, I propose to make a kite and then when some wind out somewhere open and fly them. I present a video to perform:


Well, then, if you already have prepared and do not remember how to throw a fly, we teach this link.


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