visitors from space? Grow
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Tow Zone Sign In Chicago
live in a half-mad or mad as total.
Everyday Internet moves information between the logical and the irrational, which, of course not at all healthy for the future of humanity.
And it is not, finally, climate change or natural disasters, or the armed assaults on schools and public events, or the growth of drug trafficking and crime ... Such problems are living with just over 6 billion people in the world and seem to have no solution, because they are children of a system in which man is Wolf Man, as someone rightly said.
I just read on BBC World, English site on the Net very knowledgeable and better designed, but extremely partial, "in the Mojave Desert near Los Angeles, United States, a group of engineers working on a project that aims to offer the general public the possibility of tourism in space. The company expects British Virgin that in a couple of years the project is ready to carry around to customers. Throughout all the cab windows. Some on the side, some on the roof. The windows allow passengers to see how the Earth's blue sky turns purple and then gives way to the black of space.
"The engine roar will fade, along with the atmosphere. And when all you can hear is the silence, know that they are in space. You can see the curvature of the Earth and the thin band of the atmosphere above.
"The company charged $ 200 000 per passenger. (...) More than 400 people have already made reservations. " I'm not
against the development, much less space exploration for scientific purposes. But I have trouble admitting it to run so great tourist purely investment purposes, while the world we inhabit one billion people are hungry, according to official figures released by the Organization of the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO ) and hundreds of children die daily from preventable or curable.
I do not want to refer to the war, increasingly bloody and costly, all financial business. That's what has been written.
With $ 200 000, for example, can be bought today in the international market more than 540 tons corn or wheat flour 515 or 360 of rice, to cite just three examples.
But if we consider the total cost of the new ship (millionaire, of course), no information contained in these quantities would be multiplied several times.
An old proverb says that "there are none so blind as those who do not want to see." It is quite true. Powerful countries are the least made to alleviate poverty and hunger, despite the commitments and even signed on many magnificent peaks that ultimately solve nothing in particular.
From space, wealthy tourists will see out the windows of the ships the blue sphere, as has been described not just astronauts, but within it are the slums, the fields affected by drought, excessive deforestation, polluted rivers and seas, finally, the rot where he lives, or rather, survive considerable part of the humanity. That, they are not interested.
will feel the pleasure of the unknown. Sure. But nothing that subplanet matter to them is nonexistent, because their lives governed all the money, snobbery and way of life of the green color of U.S. dollars.
Mysore Mallige Prithviraj Dead
caught between poverty and malnutrition
By Lissette Garcia, La Prensa, Honduras.
Junior smiling and oblivious to what was happening around, babbling happily. You are about to meet his three years and still not walking. Crawls with problems in the dirt floor of a house in the middle of the mountain in the village of San Antonio in Erandique, Lempira.
Your skin is dry from the cold and his large stomach. At first glance it seems that your height is the same as normal weight, but the reality is that the size of a small one and your stomach is inflamed. The color of his skin is yellow this indicates that a disease affects him: malnutrition.
The United Nations Food and Agriculture, FAO estimates that the population suffering from malnutrition in Latin America has now reached 53 million people and Junior is part of that list along with thousands of children living in precarious conditions in western Honduras.
Malnutrition affects the child population as also victims of poverty, misery and hunger. In the municipalities of Lempira and La Paz Intibucá the problem of malnutrition is evident, although the villagers have learned to live with them.
household menu is rice, tortillas and beans. But thanks to the advice of NGOs in many villages have learned to grow vegetables and vegetable consumption. Another
support families who have school meals is the root of the problem but we live in the country by the magisterial crisis, schools are closed. Only schools PROHECO (Community Education Project) are open.
children are not having access to that glass of milk as part of the diet of school for the educational crisis facing the country. Mal
According World Food Programme, WFP, chronic malnutrition attacks by 27% of children in Honduras. About 800 000 infants may suffer malnutrition whereas the child population 0-18 years beyond three million people, according to numbers from the National Statistics Institute, INE.
concerned about the figures because poverty remains the main host of Honduran households because seven of every 10 people live in poverty. The situation is alarming.
The World Food Programme, WFP, and the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean, ECLAC prepared a document entitled "The cost of hunger."
Honduras is one of the countries with the highest prevalence of malnutrition in Latin America and the Caribbean and that 1 in 6 children under five suffer from this evil. In
According to estimates from 2001, 162.000 children under five moderately and severely malnourished and more than 200 000 are chronically malnourished.
For newborns, nearly 9 out of every 100 infants have low birth weight and 3 100 have intrauterine growth restriction, percentages that put Honduras in high incidence countries among the member countries of the System of Central American Integration.
Children in rural areas live in misery and poverty and many are forced to work and to withdraw from their studies because urge to make money to provide to households.
"Here you fight for parents to send their children to study, they do when they're young but when they can work them out parents choose schools," says Marina Baptist teacher from a village in Santa Cruz, Lempira .
Many parents who make the effort to send their children to school are losing hope because schools are closed before such strike by teachers.
"Da regret that you make the effort but nothing served if these teachers or classes are around here, 'criticizes Alfonso Mendoza, a father of Azacualpa, Intibucá.
grow with limited
Yamaranguila Mayor, Lorenzo Bejarano, says it's urgent employment generation in the area for families to obtain higher incomes. "Farmers take advantage of the coffee harvest to wangle some money and feed their families but the season is almost over."
The mayor is aware that currently the school lunch plays an important role in the villages where poverty is on the agenda. Visiting
Western communities means being with children eager to learn but with significant limitations, know that there are computers but do not know. Unaware
electricity. In all the villages of Santa Cruz, Lempira, no energy and are illuminated with candles and pine-laden gas.
are large families, children living in crowded and sleep in one bed with his brothers and mother, father, if any.
The majority of births in these remote communities are served by midwives, María proves it. She is the midwife of the community of Santa Rosita in Lempira. "I have helped many women to take their children and some are born with problems," he says.
health problems
In the same villages is common to find children with respiratory problems, diarrhea and even pneumonia. The supervisor of all health centers Gualcince Lempira, Claudia Lopez, said pneumonia, diarrhea and malnutrition are picking on the children of the communities of southern Lempira.
The problem that exists is from the woman's pregnancy, children born with low weight, few manage to survive and others die.
The opening of some maternal child has helped communities cope with the problem but when it comes to serious diseases and should be treated in hospital regional, the situation changes.
The poor state of the streets contributes to their reality because they often do not reach the hospital and die en route.
An example is the one lived in Yamaranguila where an adult died Zeon Sorto name. The report prepared by the Mayor says it could have been saved due to the poor road conditions could not come. These scenes are almost normal in areas where poverty is rife.
Health officials claim that community is important to implement a nutrition project and focus to be sustained by the same parents.
also a program to encourage parents to support the process of education and children stay in school.
infants menu is rice with beans and tortillas with salt and see it as a prize the school lunch. "Children do not really have anything to eat at home and that is serious," said Supervisor Lempira health centers.
Another problem is that there are shortages of medicines in health centers to treat these diseases affecting children.
That is the reality of a country where the government officially in 2011 as the year of food and nutrition security is closely linked to the "National Food Security Strategy" established to ensure the right to food with children and adults in the country.
Monday, March 28, 2011
Mmj For Tendonitis Co
Honduras: Poverty has a female face
In rural areas of the departments of Lempira and Intibucá most households are headed by single mothers
By Lissette Garcia (Diario La Prensa. HONDURAS)
Your skin is dry and the cold and his hands calloused by hard work you do. Andrea Hernandez is only 35 years, but it seems to happen 50. Its thin texture and pallor of her face contrasting with her black hair and wearing peasant garb and begins to fade. Very sincerely say that you can not have another dress in a long time because they just won thirty lempiras a day. is the mother of seven children and their daily concerns is what you will eat your children. The youngest, 14 months, not yet walking. Hopefully this day got two eggs for lunch, beans "chinapopos" salt and tortillas. PRESS
came to the house of Andrea, a baharaque hut with a dirt floor. In one corner is a small bed where she sleeps with her seven children. She is a reflection of the reality of women in the West of the country are single mothers struggling to cope. Further in the same village of Santa Rosita, in the municipality of Santa Cruz, Lempira, Mario Humberto Diaz lived a story similar. The difference is that the roof of his house has fewer holes than Andrea and still no doors.
Al go house to house in the village of Santa Cruz, one of the poorest municipalities in Lempira, with eight thousand inhabitants, one can see that most households are headed by single mothers. Women who become pregnant up to eleven times and whose men have abandoned them because they have another home or they simply do not want to face up to liability according to their accounts.
These women have raised earthen walls with their own efforts and are raising their children, but the lack of father figure and a program to support these female Lenca aggravate the situation. These months have been difficult for everyone because the cornfields were not enough, the work has diminished and the weather affected the crops.
Added to this, your children are taking lessons from the conflict in Education and therefore, the school lunch. Nor can go to work because they must care for their children or take them with them.
Many women experiencing domestic violence and domestic violence, harassment and sexual abuse and incest, but do not dare complain for fear. Some have done so, have the authorities of the municipalities, through support programs. Most are illiterate and strives to keep their children in school, but given the constant strikes the retired.
Poverty and neglect
The scenes are the same just change of place in dusty villages Intibucá, Lempira and La Paz, where malnutrition is rife, poverty, poverty and illiteracy.
Women are mothers and fathers. They work from dawn to dusk to bring up their children, make their crops and household chores. It is normal to see women with headscarves in the earth armed with machetes and a hoe. But, even with a domestic partner, your work is not valued, and that discussions who keeps the house, the same feminists say that men and also to consult on their activities for income generation only refer to the activities of men. Housework activity appears as the sole source of income for women, without mentioning his work productively. "I have four children, my husband and I left with short brown when season, plus bread and tamales do to keep my children," said Maria Vasquez, a native of Gualcinse, Lempira. A window
Women who have had the opportunity to participate in NGO programs have changed their minds and to seek participation in local projects, but not all have the opportunity.
A study by the Association of Nongovernmental ASONOG in Cafeg Commonwealth, made up of seven municipalities: Candelaria, Gualcinse, Piraera, San Andres, Erandique, Santa Cruz and San Francisco in the department of Lempira, included among the poorest in the country. Are isolated places to go long distances, difficult access and few means of transport that limits women and other people to participate in processes to run in an active and continuing to reduce poverty.
strategic needs of women in the area are identified with the condition of subordination and male violence.
Deputy Mayor of the municipality of Santa Cruz, Lempira, Alejandro Hernandez, is aware that the problem is big because most homes are held by women single mothers whose housemates have migrated to other places and have abandoned leaving them with many children.
similar situation exists in the municipality of Yamaranguila, Intibucá, where farmers Lenca are the backbone of their homes for the same situation facing the women in Lempira and La Paz.
According to the information handled by the Organization of Women Intibucana ants, the illiteracy rate among women is still high, despite the various literacy programs have been developed. There is a 23% illiterate peasant Lenca in that department. Access to and control of resources is always mostly for men than for women, since only 32% of women have land in your name and 28 percent are owners of the house.
Most native single-mother households has more than five children, according to the route taken by THE PRESS, this coincides with the analysis of women's organization ants. With regard to sexual and reproductive health of women interviewed 2.005, 64% do not know about this subject, and 20 percent had children each year. 35% every two years and 70% have not used any family planning method.
The same organization conducted a study in 10 communities in the department of Intibucá with large indigenous populations. 170.991 people live here. We surveyed 205 women of which 173 are Lenca and 32 Ladino, and with it could establish the very different conditions between these two groups despite belonging to the same communities.
Of all respondents, 74 are married, 57 in union, but the majority not to make a home companion, but it comes sporadically.
54 are unmarried, of these 32 are single mothers, 6 were divorced, three of them are widows Ladino and 14, which shows that most households are headed by women, who are responsible for the home. This implies that the income is lower and the poverty situation worse.
By Lissette Garcia (Diario La Prensa. HONDURAS)
Your skin is dry and the cold and his hands calloused by hard work you do. Andrea Hernandez is only 35 years, but it seems to happen 50. Its thin texture and pallor of her face contrasting with her black hair and wearing peasant garb and begins to fade. Very sincerely say that you can not have another dress in a long time because they just won thirty lempiras a day. is the mother of seven children and their daily concerns is what you will eat your children. The youngest, 14 months, not yet walking. Hopefully this day got two eggs for lunch, beans "chinapopos" salt and tortillas. PRESS
came to the house of Andrea, a baharaque hut with a dirt floor. In one corner is a small bed where she sleeps with her seven children. She is a reflection of the reality of women in the West of the country are single mothers struggling to cope. Further in the same village of Santa Rosita, in the municipality of Santa Cruz, Lempira, Mario Humberto Diaz lived a story similar. The difference is that the roof of his house has fewer holes than Andrea and still no doors.
Al go house to house in the village of Santa Cruz, one of the poorest municipalities in Lempira, with eight thousand inhabitants, one can see that most households are headed by single mothers. Women who become pregnant up to eleven times and whose men have abandoned them because they have another home or they simply do not want to face up to liability according to their accounts.
These women have raised earthen walls with their own efforts and are raising their children, but the lack of father figure and a program to support these female Lenca aggravate the situation. These months have been difficult for everyone because the cornfields were not enough, the work has diminished and the weather affected the crops.
Added to this, your children are taking lessons from the conflict in Education and therefore, the school lunch. Nor can go to work because they must care for their children or take them with them.
Many women experiencing domestic violence and domestic violence, harassment and sexual abuse and incest, but do not dare complain for fear. Some have done so, have the authorities of the municipalities, through support programs. Most are illiterate and strives to keep their children in school, but given the constant strikes the retired.
Poverty and neglect
The scenes are the same just change of place in dusty villages Intibucá, Lempira and La Paz, where malnutrition is rife, poverty, poverty and illiteracy.
Women are mothers and fathers. They work from dawn to dusk to bring up their children, make their crops and household chores. It is normal to see women with headscarves in the earth armed with machetes and a hoe. But, even with a domestic partner, your work is not valued, and that discussions who keeps the house, the same feminists say that men and also to consult on their activities for income generation only refer to the activities of men. Housework activity appears as the sole source of income for women, without mentioning his work productively. "I have four children, my husband and I left with short brown when season, plus bread and tamales do to keep my children," said Maria Vasquez, a native of Gualcinse, Lempira. A window
Women who have had the opportunity to participate in NGO programs have changed their minds and to seek participation in local projects, but not all have the opportunity.
A study by the Association of Nongovernmental ASONOG in Cafeg Commonwealth, made up of seven municipalities: Candelaria, Gualcinse, Piraera, San Andres, Erandique, Santa Cruz and San Francisco in the department of Lempira, included among the poorest in the country. Are isolated places to go long distances, difficult access and few means of transport that limits women and other people to participate in processes to run in an active and continuing to reduce poverty.
strategic needs of women in the area are identified with the condition of subordination and male violence.
Deputy Mayor of the municipality of Santa Cruz, Lempira, Alejandro Hernandez, is aware that the problem is big because most homes are held by women single mothers whose housemates have migrated to other places and have abandoned leaving them with many children.
similar situation exists in the municipality of Yamaranguila, Intibucá, where farmers Lenca are the backbone of their homes for the same situation facing the women in Lempira and La Paz.
According to the information handled by the Organization of Women Intibucana ants, the illiteracy rate among women is still high, despite the various literacy programs have been developed. There is a 23% illiterate peasant Lenca in that department. Access to and control of resources is always mostly for men than for women, since only 32% of women have land in your name and 28 percent are owners of the house.
Most native single-mother households has more than five children, according to the route taken by THE PRESS, this coincides with the analysis of women's organization ants. With regard to sexual and reproductive health of women interviewed 2.005, 64% do not know about this subject, and 20 percent had children each year. 35% every two years and 70% have not used any family planning method.
The same organization conducted a study in 10 communities in the department of Intibucá with large indigenous populations. 170.991 people live here. We surveyed 205 women of which 173 are Lenca and 32 Ladino, and with it could establish the very different conditions between these two groups despite belonging to the same communities.
Of all respondents, 74 are married, 57 in union, but the majority not to make a home companion, but it comes sporadically.
54 are unmarried, of these 32 are single mothers, 6 were divorced, three of them are widows Ladino and 14, which shows that most households are headed by women, who are responsible for the home. This implies that the income is lower and the poverty situation worse.
Saturday, March 26, 2011
Mitsu X Mitsu Drops 1 Scan Français
Hunger, a threat to children in Honduras
For Yeanny González Peña (Prensa Latina *)
In Honduras, a country where political vicissitudes monopolize media attention, 72 percent of the population lives in poverty and one of four children are chronically malnourished.
As in many Latin American countries, the causes of poverty do not come as much of the underdevelopment of the unequal distribution of wealth, bad policies, corruption and official indifference. Nationally America, for example, one percent of producers concentrated one-third of the best land, while 375 000 small farmers have nowhere to grow, according to the Agrarian Platform peasant organization.
To complicate the situation, international grain prices have skyrocketed, for reasons ranging from failed crops, go and end the speculation in the pressure imposed by developed countries, which attempt to replace some of the dwindling supply of oil for biofuels.
rains last year affected the local production and had to be supplemented with imported grain, which was reflected the increase in domestic prices.
For example, maize, staple in popular food has risen 75 percent in the past nine months.
This situation directly affects more than four million people without sufficient income to cover the basic food basket, and they are most vulnerable children.
situation of children
The World Food Programme (UN WFP) reported that 240 000 Honduran children have boxes organic deficiencies due to poor intake of nutrients they receive.
Similarly, one of every four children suffers from malnutrition chronic, mostly concentrated in southern and western parts of this country, formerly known as the breadbasket of Central America.
in this region is called dry corridor covering Choluteca, Valle, Lempira and Ocotepeque. There
lost 80 percent of the harvest, first by the excessive rains during planting season from May to June 2010, after a drastic decline in rainfall since October.
A recent study revealed that as a result of low harvest of grain, more than 32 percent of families in affected areas is chronically malnourished.
The report states that in such areas monetary incomes barely cover 31 percent of the cost of basic goods and families can not meet other needs such as health and education.
Many believe that hunger is there as large as in Africa and a few weeks ago the authorities confirmed that two children died of starvation in the southern province of La Paz.
However, this area near the border with El Salvador has not been listed as critical in the strategic plan established to meet emergencies caused by hunger.
Congresswoman Gladys Aurora Lopez said the care plan only includes the municipalities South of Francisco Morazán, Choluteca and Valle.
WFP Representatives considered in this connection that in a country where 27 percent of children suffer chronic malnutrition, the problem is not only development but also security.
Miguel Barreto, WFP representative in Honduras, said that infants have problems with nutritional deficiencies of physical and intellectual development, which hinders their integration into society in an active way. That agency says
Honduras as the second Latin American country with the worst rates of child malnutrition.
in this context that the Honduran government declared 2011 as the Year of Food and Nutritional Security, and announced a strategy to ensure the right to food.
However, some governmental solutions to the problem could hurt small producers, said Fausto Lara, vice president of the National Basic Grains.
Lara said the government of everything that is received are disincentives, and that the producers feel very confused and threatened by the FTA with the United States, which will soon allow imports without customs duties.
The food entries into the country without customs duties will bring more poverty and therefore more hungry rural people, the hardest hit by food shortages.
Amid the socio-economic and political, is continuing to worsen the overall situation of children in the country.
But that scenario is not unique to Honduras. Chronic malnutrition rates in children under five years in the Central American region, are of the highest in the world, according to figures provided by international organizations.
is estimated that worldwide 800 million people go to bed each day without eating any food, of which 300 million are children.
(*) The author is a journalist from the Central Editorial Press America and the Caribbean.
In Honduras, a country where political vicissitudes monopolize media attention, 72 percent of the population lives in poverty and one of four children are chronically malnourished.
As in many Latin American countries, the causes of poverty do not come as much of the underdevelopment of the unequal distribution of wealth, bad policies, corruption and official indifference. Nationally America, for example, one percent of producers concentrated one-third of the best land, while 375 000 small farmers have nowhere to grow, according to the Agrarian Platform peasant organization.
To complicate the situation, international grain prices have skyrocketed, for reasons ranging from failed crops, go and end the speculation in the pressure imposed by developed countries, which attempt to replace some of the dwindling supply of oil for biofuels.
rains last year affected the local production and had to be supplemented with imported grain, which was reflected the increase in domestic prices.
For example, maize, staple in popular food has risen 75 percent in the past nine months.
This situation directly affects more than four million people without sufficient income to cover the basic food basket, and they are most vulnerable children.
situation of children
The World Food Programme (UN WFP) reported that 240 000 Honduran children have boxes organic deficiencies due to poor intake of nutrients they receive.
Similarly, one of every four children suffers from malnutrition chronic, mostly concentrated in southern and western parts of this country, formerly known as the breadbasket of Central America.
in this region is called dry corridor covering Choluteca, Valle, Lempira and Ocotepeque. There
lost 80 percent of the harvest, first by the excessive rains during planting season from May to June 2010, after a drastic decline in rainfall since October.
A recent study revealed that as a result of low harvest of grain, more than 32 percent of families in affected areas is chronically malnourished.
The report states that in such areas monetary incomes barely cover 31 percent of the cost of basic goods and families can not meet other needs such as health and education.
Many believe that hunger is there as large as in Africa and a few weeks ago the authorities confirmed that two children died of starvation in the southern province of La Paz.
However, this area near the border with El Salvador has not been listed as critical in the strategic plan established to meet emergencies caused by hunger.
Congresswoman Gladys Aurora Lopez said the care plan only includes the municipalities South of Francisco Morazán, Choluteca and Valle.
WFP Representatives considered in this connection that in a country where 27 percent of children suffer chronic malnutrition, the problem is not only development but also security.
Miguel Barreto, WFP representative in Honduras, said that infants have problems with nutritional deficiencies of physical and intellectual development, which hinders their integration into society in an active way. That agency says
Honduras as the second Latin American country with the worst rates of child malnutrition.
in this context that the Honduran government declared 2011 as the Year of Food and Nutritional Security, and announced a strategy to ensure the right to food.
However, some governmental solutions to the problem could hurt small producers, said Fausto Lara, vice president of the National Basic Grains.
Lara said the government of everything that is received are disincentives, and that the producers feel very confused and threatened by the FTA with the United States, which will soon allow imports without customs duties.
The food entries into the country without customs duties will bring more poverty and therefore more hungry rural people, the hardest hit by food shortages.
Amid the socio-economic and political, is continuing to worsen the overall situation of children in the country.
But that scenario is not unique to Honduras. Chronic malnutrition rates in children under five years in the Central American region, are of the highest in the world, according to figures provided by international organizations.
is estimated that worldwide 800 million people go to bed each day without eating any food, of which 300 million are children.
(*) The author is a journalist from the Central Editorial Press America and the Caribbean.
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Dmv Hickory Ridge Mall
While the world suffers from chronic hunger: U.S. $ 100 million spent on the first day of attack on Libya
While one billion people hungry walls in the world and thousands die every day from diseases curablles ...
the first day of U.S. attacks Libya cost more than $ 100 million and its share of the operation could exceed one billion dollars, state media on the Internet. are no further comment necessary.
While one billion people hungry walls in the world and thousands die every day from diseases curablles ...
the first day of U.S. attacks Libya cost more than $ 100 million and its share of the operation could exceed one billion dollars, state media on the Internet. are no further comment necessary.
Monday, March 14, 2011
Orange Stains In Shower
A world without hunger: the proposal of Joseph Graziano Da Silva
By HORACIO J. R. Maltz * We
many years to meet Dr. José Francisco Graziano da Silva, current regional representative for Latin America and the Caribbean and deputy director of the FAO and we are delighted the successful presentation of the Brazilian government of candidacy for the General Directorate of the largest specialized agency of the United Nations.
We are pleased this proposal, not only because Dr. Graziano is a friend of our country but, above all, a valid candidate in Latin America, with the entrenched belief that it is possible to eradicate hunger and poverty around the world through inclusive and performance sustainably using natural resources. In fact, we are convinced that this is a proposal that goes beyond the borders of a country or region and destined to be translated to give substantive support to the destitute of our planet. Training and career of Dr. Graziano Da Silva makes him a manager and updated the modern concept of food security and the fight against hunger and malnutrition. Graduated as
Agronomist, has a specialization in agricultural economics and a post - doctoral achieved at the University of California Santa Cruz in Environmental Studies and the Institute of Studies American College of London University in Agricultural Economics. He has held important positions in Brazil, such as Minister of Food Security during the first term of President Lula and then as Special Advisor to the President of the Republic to combat hunger, one of the chief developers of the successful Brazilian program called: Zero Hunger. It also has extensive academic experience.
demonstrated ability in the conduct of the FAO Regional Office and in particular the 'Initiative, Latin America and the Caribbean without Hunger' make Dr. Graziano Da Silva Latin ideal candidate for the Directorate General of this important United Nations agency.
Although his candidacy is for a position with global responsibilities are convinced that their human qualities, professional training, ability, experience and firm belief in the urgent necessity of eradicating hunger and malnutrition, poverty and the alarming consequences that these cause of the earth, would make him unbeatable in the FAO director general.
Excluding the fact that our region is the only one who has not held the post of general director of that organization, given the need to remove a shameful scourge that affects over 900 million people worldwide, encompassing more than 10% of the total population of Latin America and the Caribbean, and under that the purposes of the Latin American candidate is a possibility and need to be more ambitious and double down the first of the Millennium Development Goals UN (MDG 1), which seek to halve hunger by 2015. In this sense, he believes that the eradication of chronic child malnutrition in the same year should be considered only an intermediate goal.
inescapable For these reasons we believe all diplomatic support that our government can provide to support this candidature.
many years to meet Dr. José Francisco Graziano da Silva, current regional representative for Latin America and the Caribbean and deputy director of the FAO and we are delighted the successful presentation of the Brazilian government of candidacy for the General Directorate of the largest specialized agency of the United Nations.
We are pleased this proposal, not only because Dr. Graziano is a friend of our country but, above all, a valid candidate in Latin America, with the entrenched belief that it is possible to eradicate hunger and poverty around the world through inclusive and performance sustainably using natural resources. In fact, we are convinced that this is a proposal that goes beyond the borders of a country or region and destined to be translated to give substantive support to the destitute of our planet. Training and career of Dr. Graziano Da Silva makes him a manager and updated the modern concept of food security and the fight against hunger and malnutrition. Graduated as
Agronomist, has a specialization in agricultural economics and a post - doctoral achieved at the University of California Santa Cruz in Environmental Studies and the Institute of Studies American College of London University in Agricultural Economics. He has held important positions in Brazil, such as Minister of Food Security during the first term of President Lula and then as Special Advisor to the President of the Republic to combat hunger, one of the chief developers of the successful Brazilian program called: Zero Hunger. It also has extensive academic experience.
demonstrated ability in the conduct of the FAO Regional Office and in particular the 'Initiative, Latin America and the Caribbean without Hunger' make Dr. Graziano Da Silva Latin ideal candidate for the Directorate General of this important United Nations agency.
Although his candidacy is for a position with global responsibilities are convinced that their human qualities, professional training, ability, experience and firm belief in the urgent necessity of eradicating hunger and malnutrition, poverty and the alarming consequences that these cause of the earth, would make him unbeatable in the FAO director general.
Excluding the fact that our region is the only one who has not held the post of general director of that organization, given the need to remove a shameful scourge that affects over 900 million people worldwide, encompassing more than 10% of the total population of Latin America and the Caribbean, and under that the purposes of the Latin American candidate is a possibility and need to be more ambitious and double down the first of the Millennium Development Goals UN (MDG 1), which seek to halve hunger by 2015. In this sense, he believes that the eradication of chronic child malnutrition in the same year should be considered only an intermediate goal.
inescapable For these reasons we believe all diplomatic support that our government can provide to support this candidature.
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Connect External Hard Drive To Tv Adapter
Climate and biofuels threaten food security
climate change brings floods and droughts, increased demand for biofuels and national policies to protect domestic markets could cause a rise in global food prices and threaten food security long term, according to United Nations. periods of volatility in prices are not new to agriculture, but recent upheavals by extreme weather and growing use of cereals for energy cause much concern, said the Organization Agriculture and Food (FAO, for its acronym in English) UN.
"The growing influence of commodity markets and counterproductive policy responses beggar-thy-neighbor (compared to high prices) (...) could exacerbate the volatility of international markets and threaten global food security" he says.
The number of malnourished around the world remains unacceptably high. In 2010, 16% of the population of developing countries were malnourished, according to a dispatch from Reuters.
The global food prices peaked in February, and according to projections, these prices would rise over the next decade and remain at levels above average of the past decade, said the Organization.
(Taken from Granma)
"The growing influence of commodity markets and counterproductive policy responses beggar-thy-neighbor (compared to high prices) (...) could exacerbate the volatility of international markets and threaten global food security" he says.
The number of malnourished around the world remains unacceptably high. In 2010, 16% of the population of developing countries were malnourished, according to a dispatch from Reuters.
The global food prices peaked in February, and according to projections, these prices would rise over the next decade and remain at levels above average of the past decade, said the Organization.
(Taken from Granma)
Thursday, March 3, 2011
Street Race Syndicate Mediafire
Why raise the price of food?
UN fears unrest ("revolutions?) Due to the rising price of staple foods. Mexico is a surreal crisis tortillas (no corn, no tortillas, the national dish). What's happening? What happens when the world has 9000 million people (2035)? The brilliant animation explains Denis Van Waerebeke quite the mess. Summarize ten conclusions about two Movement Landless Rural Workers (MST) and Via Campesina. Why rising food staples? What are the causes? 1.The
oligopolistic control a few companies have global agricultural trade (soybean, corn, rice, wheat, milk ...) because they impose a price regardless of the actual cost of production. 2. Speculation of large investors in the stock of agricultural commodities to food has become mere business papers. Since the bags are sold in the next seven crops of soybeans in the world.
3. Financial speculation, many banks invest their volatile capital in agricultural goods to protect the general crisis.
4. The agricultural production of biofuels (ethanol), which has its prices based on oil, finished pushing the average rate of profit in agriculture up.
5. The high cost to transform millions of tons of grain in animal protein. In other words, the elites are demanding more meat, and therefore part of the production of vegetables, which could be consumed by the population, goes for animals.
6. The privatization of public services for agriculture, which transferred the control of multinational corporations.
7. Environmental health laws and patent licenses, implemented in the period of neoliberal governments to promote oligopolistic control of some enterprises gives them power to impose price.
8. The general rule imposed by the WTO (World Trade Organization) from 1994 that turned food into mere commodities, to be regulated solely by the market.
9. The introduction of private ownership of GM seeds requires new technological matrix with higher production costs and the benefit of the same companies that control the trade, seeds and agricultural inputs.
10. Food prices internationalized. The parameters of production and prices are no longer the real cost of food production in each country, but establishing a global average price-controlled companies.
(From CounterPunch)
oligopolistic control a few companies have global agricultural trade (soybean, corn, rice, wheat, milk ...) because they impose a price regardless of the actual cost of production. 2. Speculation of large investors in the stock of agricultural commodities to food has become mere business papers. Since the bags are sold in the next seven crops of soybeans in the world.
3. Financial speculation, many banks invest their volatile capital in agricultural goods to protect the general crisis.
4. The agricultural production of biofuels (ethanol), which has its prices based on oil, finished pushing the average rate of profit in agriculture up.
5. The high cost to transform millions of tons of grain in animal protein. In other words, the elites are demanding more meat, and therefore part of the production of vegetables, which could be consumed by the population, goes for animals.
6. The privatization of public services for agriculture, which transferred the control of multinational corporations.
7. Environmental health laws and patent licenses, implemented in the period of neoliberal governments to promote oligopolistic control of some enterprises gives them power to impose price.
8. The general rule imposed by the WTO (World Trade Organization) from 1994 that turned food into mere commodities, to be regulated solely by the market.
9. The introduction of private ownership of GM seeds requires new technological matrix with higher production costs and the benefit of the same companies that control the trade, seeds and agricultural inputs.
10. Food prices internationalized. The parameters of production and prices are no longer the real cost of food production in each country, but establishing a global average price-controlled companies.
(From CounterPunch)
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