Tuesday, March 8, 2011

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Climate and biofuels threaten food security

climate change brings floods and droughts, increased demand for biofuels and national policies to protect domestic markets could cause a rise in global food prices and threaten food security long term, according to United Nations. periods of volatility in prices are not new to agriculture, but recent upheavals by extreme weather and growing use of cereals for energy cause much concern, said the Organization Agriculture and Food (FAO, for its acronym in English) UN.
"The growing influence of commodity markets and counterproductive policy responses beggar-thy-neighbor (compared to high prices) (...) could exacerbate the volatility of international markets and threaten global food security" he says.

The number of malnourished around the world remains unacceptably high. In 2010, 16% of the population of developing countries were malnourished, according to a dispatch from Reuters.

The global food prices peaked in February, and according to projections, these prices would rise over the next decade and remain at levels above average of the past decade, said the Organization.

(Taken from Granma)


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