By HORACIO J. R. Maltz *

many years to meet Dr. José Francisco Graziano da Silva, current regional representative for Latin America and the Caribbean and deputy director of the FAO and we are delighted the successful presentation of the Brazilian government of candidacy for the General Directorate of the largest specialized agency of the United Nations.
We are pleased this proposal, not only because Dr. Graziano is a friend of our country but, above all, a valid candidate in Latin America, with the entrenched belief that it is possible to eradicate hunger and poverty around the world through inclusive and performance sustainably using natural resources. In fact, we are convinced that this is a proposal that goes beyond the borders of a country or region and destined to be translated to give substantive support to the destitute of our planet. Training and career of Dr. Graziano Da Silva makes him a manager and updated the modern concept of food security and the fight against hunger and malnutrition. Graduated as
Agronomist, has a specialization in agricultural economics and a post - doctoral achieved at the University of California Santa Cruz in Environmental Studies and the Institute of Studies American College of London University in Agricultural Economics. He has held important positions in Brazil, such as Minister of Food Security during the first term of President Lula and then as Special Advisor to the President of the Republic to combat hunger, one of the chief developers of the successful Brazilian program called: Zero Hunger. It also has extensive academic experience.
demonstrated ability in the conduct of the FAO Regional Office and in particular the 'Initiative, Latin America and the Caribbean without Hunger' make Dr. Graziano Da Silva Latin ideal candidate for the Directorate General of this important United Nations agency.
Although his candidacy is for a position with global responsibilities are convinced that their human qualities, professional training, ability, experience and firm belief in the urgent necessity of eradicating hunger and malnutrition, poverty and the alarming consequences that these cause of the earth, would make him unbeatable in the FAO director general.
Excluding the fact that our region is the only one who has not held the post of general director of that organization, given the need to remove a shameful scourge that affects over 900 million people worldwide, encompassing more than 10% of the total population of Latin America and the Caribbean, and under that the purposes of the Latin American candidate is a possibility and need to be more ambitious and double down the first of the Millennium Development Goals UN (MDG 1), which seek to halve hunger by 2015. In this sense, he believes that the eradication of chronic child malnutrition in the same year should be considered only an intermediate goal.
inescapable For these reasons we believe all diplomatic support that our government can provide to support this candidature.
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