Monday, March 28, 2011

Mmj For Tendonitis Co

Honduras: Poverty has a female face

In rural areas of the departments of Lempira and Intibucá most households are headed by single mothers
By Lissette Garcia (Diario La Prensa. HONDURAS)

Your skin is dry and the cold and his hands calloused by hard work you do. Andrea Hernandez is only 35 years, but it seems to happen 50. Its thin texture and pallor of her face contrasting with her black hair and wearing peasant garb and begins to fade. Very sincerely say that you can not have another dress in a long time because they just won thirty lempiras a day. is the mother of seven children and their daily concerns is what you will eat your children. The youngest, 14 months, not yet walking. Hopefully this day got two eggs for lunch, beans "chinapopos" salt and tortillas. PRESS

came to the house of Andrea, a baharaque hut with a dirt floor. In one corner is a small bed where she sleeps with her seven children. She is a reflection of the reality of women in the West of the country are single mothers struggling to cope. Further in the same village of Santa Rosita, in the municipality of Santa Cruz, Lempira, Mario Humberto Diaz lived a story similar. The difference is that the roof of his house has fewer holes than Andrea and still no doors.

Al go house to house in the village of Santa Cruz, one of the poorest municipalities in Lempira, with eight thousand inhabitants, one can see that most households are headed by single mothers. Women who become pregnant up to eleven times and whose men have abandoned them because they have another home or they simply do not want to face up to liability according to their accounts.

These women have raised earthen walls with their own efforts and are raising their children, but the lack of father figure and a program to support these female Lenca aggravate the situation. These months have been difficult for everyone because the cornfields were not enough, the work has diminished and the weather affected the crops.

Added to this, your children are taking lessons from the conflict in Education and therefore, the school lunch. Nor can go to work because they must care for their children or take them with them.

Many women experiencing domestic violence and domestic violence, harassment and sexual abuse and incest, but do not dare complain for fear. Some have done so, have the authorities of the municipalities, through support programs. Most are illiterate and strives to keep their children in school, but given the constant strikes the retired.
Poverty and neglect

The scenes are the same just change of place in dusty villages Intibucá, Lempira and La Paz, where malnutrition is rife, poverty, poverty and illiteracy.

Women are mothers and fathers. They work from dawn to dusk to bring up their children, make their crops and household chores. It is normal to see women with headscarves in the earth armed with machetes and a hoe. But, even with a domestic partner, your work is not valued, and that discussions who keeps the house, the same feminists say that men and also to consult on their activities for income generation only refer to the activities of men. Housework activity appears as the sole source of income for women, without mentioning his work productively. "I have four children, my husband and I left with short brown when season, plus bread and tamales do to keep my children," said Maria Vasquez, a native of Gualcinse, Lempira. A window

Women who have had the opportunity to participate in NGO programs have changed their minds and to seek participation in local projects, but not all have the opportunity.

A study by the Association of Nongovernmental ASONOG in Cafeg Commonwealth, made up of seven municipalities: Candelaria, Gualcinse, Piraera, San Andres, Erandique, Santa Cruz and San Francisco in the department of Lempira, included among the poorest in the country. Are isolated places to go long distances, difficult access and few means of transport that limits women and other people to participate in processes to run in an active and continuing to reduce poverty.

strategic needs of women in the area are identified with the condition of subordination and male violence.

Deputy Mayor of the municipality of Santa Cruz, Lempira, Alejandro Hernandez, is aware that the problem is big because most homes are held by women single mothers whose housemates have migrated to other places and have abandoned leaving them with many children.

similar situation exists in the municipality of Yamaranguila, Intibucá, where farmers Lenca are the backbone of their homes for the same situation facing the women in Lempira and La Paz.

According to the information handled by the Organization of Women Intibucana ants, the illiteracy rate among women is still high, despite the various literacy programs have been developed. There is a 23% illiterate peasant Lenca in that department. Access to and control of resources is always mostly for men than for women, since only 32% of women have land in your name and 28 percent are owners of the house.

Most native single-mother households has more than five children, according to the route taken by THE PRESS, this coincides with the analysis of women's organization ants. With regard to sexual and reproductive health of women interviewed 2.005, 64% do not know about this subject, and 20 percent had children each year. 35% every two years and 70% have not used any family planning method.

The same organization conducted a study in 10 communities in the department of Intibucá with large indigenous populations. 170.991 people live here. We surveyed 205 women of which 173 are Lenca and 32 Ladino, and with it could establish the very different conditions between these two groups despite belonging to the same communities.

Of all respondents, 74 are married, 57 in union, but the majority not to make a home companion, but it comes sporadically.

54 are unmarried, of these 32 are single mothers, 6 were divorced, three of them are widows Ladino and 14, which shows that most households are headed by women, who are responsible for the home. This implies that the income is lower and the poverty situation worse.


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