Thursday, March 31, 2011
Tow Zone Sign In Chicago
visitors from space? Grow

live in a half-mad or mad as total.
Everyday Internet moves information between the logical and the irrational, which, of course not at all healthy for the future of humanity.
And it is not, finally, climate change or natural disasters, or the armed assaults on schools and public events, or the growth of drug trafficking and crime ... Such problems are living with just over 6 billion people in the world and seem to have no solution, because they are children of a system in which man is Wolf Man, as someone rightly said.
I just read on BBC World, English site on the Net very knowledgeable and better designed, but extremely partial, "in the Mojave Desert near Los Angeles, United States, a group of engineers working on a project that aims to offer the general public the possibility of tourism in space. The company expects British Virgin that in a couple of years the project is ready to carry around to customers. Throughout all the cab windows. Some on the side, some on the roof. The windows allow passengers to see how the Earth's blue sky turns purple and then gives way to the black of space.
"The engine roar will fade, along with the atmosphere. And when all you can hear is the silence, know that they are in space. You can see the curvature of the Earth and the thin band of the atmosphere above.
"The company charged $ 200 000 per passenger. (...) More than 400 people have already made reservations. " I'm not
against the development, much less space exploration for scientific purposes. But I have trouble admitting it to run so great tourist purely investment purposes, while the world we inhabit one billion people are hungry, according to official figures released by the Organization of the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO ) and hundreds of children die daily from preventable or curable.
I do not want to refer to the war, increasingly bloody and costly, all financial business. That's what has been written.
With $ 200 000, for example, can be bought today in the international market more than 540 tons corn or wheat flour 515 or 360 of rice, to cite just three examples.
But if we consider the total cost of the new ship (millionaire, of course), no information contained in these quantities would be multiplied several times.
An old proverb says that "there are none so blind as those who do not want to see." It is quite true. Powerful countries are the least made to alleviate poverty and hunger, despite the commitments and even signed on many magnificent peaks that ultimately solve nothing in particular.
From space, wealthy tourists will see out the windows of the ships the blue sphere, as has been described not just astronauts, but within it are the slums, the fields affected by drought, excessive deforestation, polluted rivers and seas, finally, the rot where he lives, or rather, survive considerable part of the humanity. That, they are not interested.
will feel the pleasure of the unknown. Sure. But nothing that subplanet matter to them is nonexistent, because their lives governed all the money, snobbery and way of life of the green color of U.S. dollars.
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