Friday, April 29, 2011

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Chinese Parents concerned about their children's fantasies of "time travel"

attractive Many Chinese parents believe their children's books and television series travel through time, despite growing concern that the issue may impact on mental health their children.

According to some parents, their children have not only referred to such fantasies in class assignments and examinations, but also the comment with their peers and try to find ways to actually move in time.

harmless-sounding these fantasies, many parents are terrified to see that circulate on the Internet "travel guides through time", which instructs the passengers "to crash into a car, swallowing gold, jumping from cliffs and gorge on sleeping pills" Monday informed the newspaper China Youth Daily.

"These stories talk about death!" Says Liu Liang, father of a teenager, adding that the message they convey these stories do see death as something mythical and attractive. "

The truth is that this supposedly humorous touch has led to tragedies in real life.

A Beijing girl 12 years old jumped from a building last year after leaving a letter complaining about their school and showed his desire to "move" to the time of Tang Dynasty (618-907 BC), according to a newspaper report.

why children are attracted to both the idea of \u200b\u200btraveling through time?

One reason could be the stress they face as students. Liu's daughter spent much of their time focused on academics. Besides school work, was enrolled in an art school program is very demanding, which generated a lot of pressure.

"It seems that childhood has become a boring stage," said Liu, referring to her daughter's life. "I like my daughter to engage in reading books that you like, but I worry about being lost in sick fantasies."

Hu Xueyan, a teacher at a secondary school in south China's Guangdong province and the mother of a boy of 11 years, says that "the excessive pressure the school has taken students to seek relief and refuge in fantasies of traveling through time. "

" Children need quality books but the options from which to choose are not many " , said Hu, adding that although classical literature has many advantages, sometimes boring or irrelevant to modern life of children.

Hu said that the lack of appropriate content on television has also a negative effect on young people.

The issuance of series and programs TV whose theme focuses on travel through time has become very widespread and has generated public debate since the beginning of the year.

The State Administration of Radio, Film and Television, supervisor movies and television programs in the country, issued a circular last month to reduce the transmission of programs related to travel through time, criticizing some productions of "defending feudalism, superstition, fatalism and reincarnation."

A user, whose name in the product is "Danmoluqiang" says that the arguments of some dramas travel through time "totally absurd" and could "lead to misunderstandings about the story."

However, others such as microbloggers "aly-chen" consider the dramas should be entertained. "It's just a fun way."


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The mushrooms would aliens

fungi outside the plant kingdom, either the animal or mineral. They have something like his own kingdom: the kingdom fungi. There are many who feel that we have left the aliens. This includes the molds, the yeasts and fungi or mushrooms themselves. Also yeast which makes bread and the one used in the fermentation of wine, truffles and all the delights you can imagine.

What is it?

living beings are covered by membranes. In the animal kingdom there is a single membrane protein. In the plant kingdom there are two layers: a protein and the other cell. It turns out that the mushrooms are coated with a membrane not intermarry with None of these kingdoms is chitin. The most amazing thing is that this polymer is present in insects, especially spiders.

Why would aliens?

The reason comes from the many confirmations made after the appearance of circles of grass burned in the middle of the field without apparent explanation. At the edge of the circle, right where the green grass starts, the fungi are aligned mark the circle that allow more intense.
Carl Sagan used to say: "All our eyes from a single source: the star-dust. We are stardust."

Even in historic times these mysterious dark disk test mushrooms were unfailing meetings of witches.

fungi How do they survive?

By not carry out photosynthesis, again away from the plants. On the contrary, behave parasitic and feed on other living organisms.

Until now, they have come to classify about 80 thousand different species of fungi although many more have been described. Despite having a common ancestor is estimated to have 1.5 million species. Given their morphological diversity in different formats exist: there are microscopic and so there are some specimens reaching up to six meters high.


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936 million people suffer from hunger, the UN said

By Miguel Grinberg

The World Bank (WB), based on figures provided by the Organization of the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) reported that 936 million hungry in the world.

Bank economists warned that to feed a world population of 9,000 million people, agricultural output should increase by 70% by 2050.

They added that due to urbanization, desertification, rising sea levels and increasing salinity of the water, many agricultural lands were lost during the next 40 years.

The Bank, headquartered in Washington, held during the 14th and April 15th Open Forum on the Internet, "to assist in finding ways to overcome the food crisis and providing food to 1,000 million hungry people worldwide. "

The international body reported in this forum that" the price Global Food remains volatile after the recent events in the Middle East and Japan, and after the events in the Middle East, oil prices rose 21% during the first three months of 2011. "
Similarly, a recent FAO study highlighted the need for governments to give full consideration to food security vulnerabilities in the context of the severe climate changes that disrupt the productive capacity of many peoples.

The document stresses that the primary measure to confront this crisis, "is to develop varieties of staple foods are better adapted to weather conditions expected for the future."

FAO warned that the prevailing climate disorders are a threat to food security worldwide, and commented that "rising food prices are causing pain and suffering in the world, and in recent months have pushed extreme poverty to 44 million people. "

Alexander Müller, FAO spokesman said that "the world is only concerned with climate impacts in the short term, without paying attention to climate changes that would place at risk the necessary ecosystems for agriculture, with catastrophic impacts in the 2050 cycle -2100.

Jake Caldwell, director Center of American Progress, an organization specializing in issues of agriculture, trade and energy, said the global food prices have risen for the eighth consecutive month, with record numbers during the month of February.

The specialist said that "without doubt, the rising price of oil is affecting the increased cost of food, given its impact on agricultural inputs, from fertilizer to fuel the machinery used by farmers, producers and carriers. "

In his recent book "World on the Edge" (World on the edge), the celebrated American sociologist Lester R. Brown has evoked an apocalyptic picture that briefly ran the news at the time, to dissolve quickly after.
In the European summer of 2010, record temperatures hit the city of Moscow. At first it seemed just another heat wave, but the hot weather began to stifle the Russians in late June continued fiercely until mid-August of that year.

Consequently, Brown evokes the climate of the western part of Russian territory became so hot and dry every day, unleashing 300 to 400 fires, burned millions of hectares of forest, burned thousands of homes, and mass culture became withered.

In his book, the veteran environmentalist Brown completes the picture by referring to the gradual melting of the polar platforms and high glaciers, which eventually flood large deltas in Asia, where rice is grown today that feeds millions of people.

As early as 2009, John Beddington, the British government's scientific adviser, had declared that the world faced a "perfect storm" of food shortages, reduced water and rising oil prices, plus a boom in climate change and migration mass.
A week later, Jonathon Porritt, former chairman of the Commission on Sustainable Development in the UK, wrote in The Guardian that matched the alarm Beddington, stressing that "the crisis could break out around 2020 and not 2030, as a kind of supreme recession which there would be no recovery."

In turn, two other experts, Shalmali Guttal and Sofia Monsalve, international team of Focus on the Global South, have pointed out that agriculture and fisheries are highly vulnerable to climate change, with negative impacts on many communities.

indicated that "today, 75 percent of the world's poor live in rural areas of developing countries and depend on smallholder family farming, artisanal fisheries and pastoralism."

also stressed that the destruction caused by global warming goes beyond the physical, as the unpredictable and changing weather conditions undermine local knowledge and resilience that have been the basis of community survival.

(From newspaper El

Thursday, April 28, 2011

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936 million people suffer from hunger, the UN said

The World Bank, based on figures provided by the Organization of the United Nations Food and Agriculture ( FAO) reported that 936 million hungry in the world.

Bank economists warned that feeding a world population of 9,000 million people, agricultural output should increase by 70% by 2050.

They added that due to urbanization, desertification, rising sea levels and increasing salinity of the water, many agricultural lands were lost during the next 40 years.

The Bank, headquartered in Washington, held during the 14th and April 15th Open Forum on the Internet, "to assist in finding ways to overcome the food crisis and providing food to 1,000 million hungry people worldwide. "

international entity reported in this forum that "the global food price remains volatile after the recent events in the Middle East and Japan, and after the events in the Middle East, oil prices rose 21% during the first three months of 2011." Texture
Similarly, a recent FAO study highlighted the need for governments to consider thoroughly the food security vulnerabilities in the context of the severe climate changes that disrupt the productive capacity of many peoples.

The document stresses that the primary measure to confront this crisis, "is to develop varieties of staple foods are better suited to the conditions planned for the future climate. "

FAO warned that the prevailing climate disorders are a threat to food security worldwide, and commented that "rising food prices are causing pain and suffering in the world, and in recent months have pushed extreme poverty to 44 million people. "

Alexander Müller, FAO spokesman said that "the world is only concerned with climate impacts in the short term, without paying attention to climate changes that would place at risk the necessary ecosystems for agriculture, with catastrophic impacts in the 2050-2100 cycle.

Jake Caldwell, director of the Center of American Progress, an organization specializing in issues of agriculture, trade and energy, said the global food prices have risen for the eighth consecutive month, with record numbers during the month of February .

The specialist said that "without doubt, the rising price of oil is affecting the increased cost of food, given its impact on agricultural inputs, from fertilizer to fuel the machinery used by farmers, producers and carriers. "

In his recent book "World on the Edge" (The world on the edge), the celebrated American sociologist Lester R. Brown has evoked an apocalyptic picture that briefly ran the news at the time, to dissolve quickly after.
In the European summer of 2010, record temperatures hit the city of Moscow. At first it seemed just another heat wave, but the hot weather began to stifle the Russians in late June continued fiercely until mid-August of that year.

Consequently, Brown evokes the climate of the western part of Russian territory became so hot and dry every day, unleashing 300 to 400 fires, burned millions of hectares of forest burned thousands of houses and crops became withered mass.

In his book, the veteran environmentalist Brown completes the picture by referring to the gradual melting of the polar platforms and high glaciers, which eventually flood large deltas in Asia, where rice is grown today that feeds millions people.

As early as 2009, John Beddington, the British government's scientific adviser, had declared that the world faced a "perfect storm" of food shortages, reduced water and rising oil prices, plus a boom in climate change and migration mass.

One Week later, Jonathon Porritt, former chairman of the Commission on Sustainable Development in the UK, wrote in The Guardian that matched the alarm Beddington, stressing that "the crisis could break out around 2020 and not 2030, as a kind of supreme recession which there would be no recovery. "
In turn, two other experts, Shalmali Guttal and Sofia Monsalve, international team of Focus on the Global South, have pointed out that agriculture and fisheries are highly vulnerable to climate change, with negative impacts on many communities.

indicated that "today, 75 percent of the world's poor live in rural areas of developing countries in development and depend on smallholder family farming, artisanal fisheries and pastoralism. "

also stressed that the destruction caused by global warming goes beyond the physical, as the unpredictable and changing weather conditions undermine local knowledge and resilience that have been the basis of community survival.

The author is a journalist specializing in environment

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U.S. warns Russia that aliens will be here in 2012 SETI

Dear readers, before reading further, I recommend going for a soda (or beer or coffee mate or tea or if you prefer), because it is somewhat difficult to digest all of a sudden ... The following information comes from website Sorcha Faal, and as always, uses his alleged Russian intelligence reports to validate their publications ... Cito then much of your letter translated:

Faal According to a report detailing the Kremlin meeting between Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin and United States Vice President, Joe Biden, says that Washington offered Moscow a great plan to protect Land of a "foreign invasion" which is expected in late 2012 after NASA satellite detected the entrance of the Solar System UFO fleet of several kilometers.

According to the report, the communication signals that are exchanging the two giant asteroids in 2010 and 2005 YU55 SO16 currently directed toward the Earth are "identical" to the transmission of spatial depth previously described by NASA as "confirmations" of a race of intelligent extraterrestrial beings are not human.

most interesting thing to note in this report is that the publication of NASA the week just passed one of its most top-secret documents related to these aliens, entitled "Key to the Extra-Terrestrial messages" in which "21 symbols" such aliens use their "communications" seems to show that not one but two different types of extra-terrestrials who come to our planet.

Equally important is that NASA's revelation of the shocking information that they have cracked the "language" of these aliens is just a few weeks that other intelligence agencies of the United States once documents issued ultra revealing secrets that UFOs actually crashed in Roswell, New Mexico, and that alien corpses were discovered and shortly before his assassination, President John F. Kennedy (1917-1963) required the CIA to give him all the information and all files related to UFOs and extraterrestrials to what the agency refused.

Battle of Nuremberg, 1561.
That report is detailing speculation Putin told Biden that our planet could be approaching a scenario like the one occurred on April 4, 1561, when the skies above the city of Nuremberg, Germany, hundreds of UFO engaged in a battle that saw thousands of people and we can read as reported at the time:

"What was described as a war in heaven, with a wide variety of Weapons ranging from spheres through spear-shaped cylinders to crosses and "courses." The sky was apparently full of machines, engaged in a battle over an hour. The battle was also perceived as a winner. UFOs were seen emerging from spheroids "mother ships" cylindrical. At the conclusion of the battle, arrived on the scene a super magnificent ship, black, so a kind of spear. Hans Glaser created a piece of wood to document the event "(photo second left-to Sorcha Faal's website).

Lord Rees.
The reason that these breeds of aliens may be coming to Earth was revealed last week when the British Astronomer Royal, Lord Martin Rees, and the Astronomer Royal for Scotland, Professor John Brown issued a joint statement noting that our human civilization has only a 50% chance to survive until 2100 without suffering a disaster caused by man.

That report also shows that Biden told Putin that the United States has withdrawn nearly all funding to its space agency NASA, and has redirected billions of dollars to the construction of private space planes, such as super secret Blue Origin rocket builder for the construction of a large American fleet of manned and unmanned vehicles armed with laser fire to patrol the outer space of the Earth's atmosphere, but whose work remains unknown to the American people, because private companies even when they are financed by government are not obliged the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)

is also important to note about these amazing events that were possibly pre-warned in the early 1980's, when during the administration of then President Ronald Reagan (1911-2004), the Washington Post published a story on the homepage of December 30, 1983, entitled "possibly as large as Jupiter Found to Mystery of celestial bodies" and that in part said:

"A heavenly body possibly as large as the giant planet Jupiter and possibly so near Earth that would be part of the solar system, has been discovered in the direction of the constellation of Orion through a telescope in orbit on board a U.S. infrared astronomical satellite.

Ronald Reagan.
Reports on this discovery Soviet Russians were even more surprising American after they were announced during a visit to General Secretary Gorbachev at the Geneva Summit of 1985, Reagan told the Soviet leader: "Sometimes I think how soon vanish our differences if we were facing an alien threat from outside this world. And yet, wonder if he is not an alien force ALREADY among us. "

In his last speech to the United Nations in 1987, Reagan also said "how quickly would end our differences if we were facing an alien threat," echoing the warning given 23 years before the great commander U.S. World War II, General Douglas MacArthur (1880-1964) who in a speech in 1955 at West Point said: "The nations of the world will join, because the next will be an inter-planetary war. The nations of the earth, someday, will have to make a common front against attack by other people from other planets "(See video here )

As for the abundance of UFO reports in Earth's skies, the world learned last week when the giant U.S. firm data Infochimps launched a set of data revealing that there have been over 60,000 sightings of these ships so far.

Source: (Blog Sorcha Faal) -------------------------
Note : As I said earlier, you have to take it easy this information from Sorcha Faal, it may be the beginning of "Project Blue Beam ."

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Camba visit what remains of the old panel van.

After the defeat of last Friday, the Red Cove will have to rise quickly to continue adding to the continued fight for the average swell. The meeting will be next Monday, starting at 15 30, in the Monumental de Vila Lynch, where he hopes one of the surprises of the tournament: IAU Urquiza
The club was founded on May 21, 1950 by railway workers in the company Ferrocarril General Urquiza to practice different sports. The institution's first president was Juan Carmelo Santoro, who stayed 51 years in office.
took 20 years to compete officially. He joined the Argentine Football Association in 1970. That began to participate Amateur Soccer Tournament LDS until 1984, when the category was renamed First D. For nearly 40 years, the Club remained the same and suffered 6 disaffiliations throughout its history.
In 2009, the Club Deportivo Social and Cultural Ferrocarril Urquiza, merged with Club Deportivo UAI, changing its name to Club UAI Urquiza.
In 2010 he won the first championship in club history. Also achieving promotion to the category where campaigning today, First C. Van
's nickname comes from the close relationship between the club and the Urquiza railway line. The stadium is located 50 meters from the tracks, in Lynch Station. Where there is the Railway Museum with ancient formations and steam locomotives. The FC Urquiza 16/4/2010 rose for the first time in its 60 year history of First C. Beating 3 to 0 to Victoriano Arenas by the 33 rd date of first Division D.
This participation in the C, the team is almost a guaranteed place in the small. Directed by Cristian Aldir occupy the seventh position with 55.

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A Gallego in decline. Both the Monday

A Berisso City arrived on Monday, the English social club, with the requirement of adding to leave the painful situation that is very close to having another demotion.
The club's history brings us to 1956. THE 12 October 1956 under the name Club Deportivo English in Buenos Aires to group under a football institution, the English community and their descendants. In 1957 joined the AFA and began his involvement in the Amateur category or Third Ascent (now First D). And has the record for our football team went fastest of the First Division D: in 10 years swept all categories.
After relegation in 1984 amount back to the "A" where it would be for 14 years. They made great sporting achievements as a runner and several third places. You can win several times characterized by the so-called big teams, especially Racing, Boca Juniors and San Lorenzo de Almagro .
In 1998 economic crisis began, and by order of a judge closed the doors on the club by the large number of bankruptcy petitions, a few days later, the returned to open. But that year falls to National "B" after 14 consecutive years in the First Division . The following year the club was closed for three months.
In 2000 declined to First "B" Metropolitan and end within one year, with 71% of creditors agree that the club to remain open, judge Juan Carlos Garibotto decided the closure. But the partners and supporters locked themselves inside the club one week to not auctioned facilities. In those days was issued Trust Law, as the goods of civil society non-profit can not finish for a period of ten years.
In 2003, after some protests from supporters of English, is again close. The fans were presented at the auction and did not miss anyone. This year, the partners created the Social Club, Sport and Cultural English of Argentina as a new institution broken club. He could not use their facilities, but still continued to participate in tournaments AFA with the new name. In 2004 he passed the Temporary Expropriation Act (No. 1253 of the Legislature). On April 30, 2007, the corporation buys South in the closing facilities, the club regained some of its facilities for 20 years.
Today is last in the table means and with many opportunities for relegation. Its closest antecedent is found with a win over Communications by 3 to 1, the party that short a drought of 7 games without a celebration.
These seasonings make the party a special meeting Monday. They play more than three points. With different objectives, the Gallego and the Village will play their last cards.
Gabriel Varela

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run out of funds to continue searching for intelligent life beyond Earth

The lack of resources faced by states and the federal government in the U.S. could affect more than just everyday life on Earth.

Astronomers at the SETI Institute in Northern California said the substantial decline in state and federal funding forced the closure of a program devoted to the search for extraterrestrial life.

Tens of radial discs that form the Allen Telescope range in the mountains of northern California have explored outer space since 2007 in search of extraterrestrial life.

But Seti's chief executive, Tom Pierson, said last week in an email sent to donors to the University of California at Berkeley has run out of money to finance daily functioning of the disks.

chain drives, 50 million dollars, was built by Seti and UC Berkeley with donations of one of the founders of Microsoft, Paul Allen. The operation of the disc is 1.5 million dollars annually.


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The hunger

Somewhere in El Pais (Madrid newspaper) today and in other newspapers across Europe and the United States there will be any article, an announcement on the major dietary obsessions of men and women in rich countries: how to lose weight, how do to not eat so much?

By Rafael Ruiz, English investigative journalist

While many of us would sell our souls to get the magic pill that would allow us our fill of churros, chorizo \u200b\u200band fried eggs without gaining weight. and (of course) without increasing cholesterol levels, there are 800 million people worldwide who go to bed hungry every night. And more than 800 million are overweight or obese. According to the Worldwatch Institute in Washington, an agency Thoroughly devoted to accumulate such data.

More statistics, all United Nations: Every five seconds a child dies of hunger, one in five American children is dangerously overweight, 10 million people die each year from hunger or diseases that cause and exacerbate malnutrition , the world produces more than enough food for all human beings, the world's total budget given by the governments of rich countries for the development of poor countries is 50,000 million dollars a year, the U.S. budget for war in Iraq (according to official U.S. figures) so far and twice that amount.

Hunger, which directly or indirectly kills nine times more people every day than died in the Twin Towers in New York, is the most extreme manifestation of poverty possible, of human failure.

Reduce the numbers of hungry people in the world by half has been identified as a priority within the United Nations Millennium Goals for the next 10 years. Besides

organizations in the UN there are 1,200 NGOs committed to this effort. In order to establish why there is so much hunger in the world, EPS has surveyed the views of representatives of the UN, especially the World Food Programme, NGOs, including Ignasi Carreras, director Oxfam general; of academic specialists on the subject, and pundits, bankers, doctors in Africa, the continent where hunger is endemic and devastating.

not everyone agreed on everything, but as there was consensus that the answer to the question was more complex and diverse than you might think people who have not delved into the subject. Here, in a synthesis of information gathered, there are eight reasons why many people in poor countries are starving while many in rich countries die from eating so much.

The little faith in the great capitalist countries in the free market

One of the biggest scandals in the world, one that everyone recognizes but few who could do something about dealing with the necessary seriousness, is the subsidies that farmers in the United States and Europe receive from their governments.

international trade rules are so unfair that if the same principles apply in a football game would cause riots. It is as if a referee at a France-Burkina Faso had been paid by the French to assure that all goals of the African team would be canceled, and, perhaps, half of the rival expelled before the end of the first half.

The Bush administration spent 4,000 million dollars a year in subsidies to their farmers. What this means in practice. Is that, for example, cotton farmers in Senegal go bankrupt.

Americans flooded the market and the Senegalese expelled him. What is almost worse, dump cotton producing countries themselves or corn or sugar with cheap raw materials, making local farmers can not even compete with imported products. The image of obese citizens of Iowa, State agricultural excellence, contrasted with that of skeletal Ethiopian perfectly captures this great global injustice.

Obesity, malnutrition masks.

Europeans are just as guilty. Do exactly the same with other products, one of the reasons why some Africans, fleeing hunger, climbing on boats in Morocco and (if lucky) reach the English coast, causing problems to come, at least in part, of the unfair competition of which they are complicit Spain and the rest of the European Union.

Wars and general insecurity

The worst cases of famine in Africa in recent years have given in times of war. The fragile balance that allows that, while people starve, survive, is broken and what is now happening in Sudan and Ethiopia 20 years ago.

Wars displace people from their ancestral lands, destroy the food infrastructure, block physical access to food from elsewhere and leave their mark, for example, the death of individuals who know how to cultivate the land, the affected communities take years to recover.

In Afghanistan, the volume of anti-personnel mines buried in various military conflicts that have taken place since 1979 has made more than half of agricultural land can not be cultivated. The Europeans who remember the Second World War or the English Civil War, understand war = malnutrition equation. For a young English or French, today is almost unimaginable. Dan

fish when there is famine, but not taught to fish when there is not

rich countries respond well when disaster strikes, but they have not managed to do is to help avoid or create the conditions for The problem of endemic hunger disappear. Or at least not with the necessary commitment.

One such example is Ethiopia, a country in the world where there are more hungry. In 1984, Irish singer Bob Geldof brought together some of the best musical artists of the period and recorded a song to raise funds for victims of the terrible Ethiopian famine of that year. The initiative is called Band Aid and managed to raise much money. Today, Geldof, Bono and 40 other artists have done the same. In this case for the victims of Darfur, Sudan.

The problem is that in the 20 years that have passed since that great awakening of consciousness that Band Aid International represented the problems of Ethiopia are the same. There is no famine today, the level of 1984, but permanent hunger itself.

In a context in which international aid to poor countries has been declining, which Ethiopia has received a senior UN official described as physical "regrettable" from the outside. In a good year when the crops yield at top, between two and three million people Ethiopia need food from the World Food Programme and other international agencies. In a bad year, the number rises to an amount between 12 and 15 million.

Grains: while growing production, distribution is in few hands.

The problem is: l. Except as Band Aid outbreaks every 20 years, people in rich countries are not interested enough to pressure their governments to invest more in helping the poor of the world that new submarines. 2. While reacting swiftly and effectively and blunt (not skimp on investment), when major crises, such Darfur, there is little desire to work slow gradual, unglamorous (away from the cameras of CNN) is required to be gaining ground slowly, mind hunger. and thus preventing the great famines before they occur.

There are loves that people kill and accommodates the survival

While international aid is insufficient, it is sometimes too much. It creates a dependency problem that makes entire communities lose the habit of feeding themselves.

In Rwanda, a poor country that has received much food aid since the 1994 genocide, a government minister complained in a conversation a year ago that his people, or much of it, had lost the habit of work to cultivate their land.

had always lived at a subsistence level, but now the livelihood not from their own work, but the weekly truck delivery of food. Unable to conceive, and this has everything to do with lack of education-a higher ambition than mere survival (which exasperated the minister, a woman who had studied abroad), had stopped worrying about developing the economy local. They lived the life almost of zoo animals.

Not very dignified, perhaps, but laid back, quiet. An alternative example, but that leads to the same conclusion, is that of those living in areas Angolans as remote rural areas during the war that never received assistance.

Now that the country receives less aid than in those times of crisis, they-those not accustomed to having their basic needs met by people falling from the sky, those best adapted, those who can organize their lives productive, responsible and effective. "When you have to do it, and said Ignasi Carreras, of Oxfam," Wise up people. "

diseases Malaria, AIDS and tuberculosis cause hunger. Not only that hunger causes disease. Because the more ill with malaria is a man in Mozambique live in a rural area, the less likely you are to work in the field and feed his family, and feed themselves.

With thereby creating a vicious disease, more disease-hungry, hungrier. So is sinking a family, community, country. Not only affected the amount of food to eat, but also the quality. The proportion of carbohydrates compared to proteins in the diet increases the more poverty there, (The Atkins Diet, which can consume all the proteins you want as long as you do not touch carbohydrates, definitely not for poor people, even USA).

This in turn implies a deficiency of micronutrients derived from iron, zinc, iodine and vitamins. It can survive without the amounts of these micronutrients considered basic in the West, but you can not keep a healthy lifestyle. The vulnerability is extreme.

geographical determinism

weather and other unavoidable forces of nature can have a decisive effect on the eating habits of people. Countries where hunger is the hot countries of the earth, which are located between the latitudes of the tropics. These countries are on the one hand, more vulnerable to drought or flooding-a-weather violence that the northern countries. On the other

hand there is the paradox that, historically, more fertile country than cold, are less at the mercy of seasonal swings. A person who does not have any income will be able to survive on their own in the jungles of Congo. Will be able to find food in the trees more easily than a person without income in the forests of Finland. In prehistoric times, living in the Congo rather than in Finland was an advantage.

As Jared Diamond has in his book on the evolution of civilization is that the humans who inhabit the cold and inhospitable countries are forced to find ways of preserving food for winter, the planning for future. For example, before refrigeration, using salt. This made the need to preserve the relationship with food to become more sophisticated in northern countries than in those from Ecuador or South:

Charity begins at home

The solution to the problem of hunger is very simple identify and very difficult to carry out: development. Unless you are particularly unfit or have very bad luck, the people who live in North America, Europe or Japan will not go hungry. There is malnourished. And live to be 75 and older. In Africa there are 30 years younger.

Ignasi Carreras is in the business of helping the hungry. but he has clear: food is not present in the medium or long term solution. "The most important thing is that people know how to make a living. It stands on its own, "he says.

hunger poverty is simply carried to its ultimate expression. Thus, logically, we must fight poverty, give people the means and conditions for them to get rich. This implies first, addressed the seven problems mentioned earlier in this article without excluding international cooperation.

fair, responsible and focused wisely. But above all, as understood by Carreras and, among many more, "the Nobel Amartya Sen, one must seek to create democratic societies in the broadest and deepest sense of the word. This does not mean much commotion elections set of factors, rule of law, free media of communication, which lead to the creation of a civil society whose values \u200b\u200bare more durable than any government or political party. Hunger is not a problem of crop failure or lack of land. (In Japan they eat better than in Argentina).

is a problem with human origin. Is due to poor choices of certain people, especially the ruling classes. The more responsible and prepared to be the people in power and the more generous people in countries with problems of basic survival, are determined, be less hungry in the world. The problem is that all this, as evidenced by the history of the species is a tall order.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

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The U.S. NSA admits receiving extraterrestrial messages

The National Security Agency ( NSA) United States authorized to publish a report related to the decoding of messages from outer space.

This report is part of NSA journal Journal Vol XIV No. 1. and a report submitted to the NSA by Dr. Howard Campaign, which indicates that messages were received through the satellite Sputnik, but that could not be decoded at the time.

supermatemáticos Campaign and other cryptology department in charge of decoding a total of 29 messages.

Public dissemination of this document was not authorized until April 21, 2011. This and hundreds of others were hidden files on aliens against all odds until the NSA lost a lawsuit brought by Peter Gersten, a lawyer who sued the publication.

The title of the document is "extraterrestrial signals," which was published as "Key to extraterrestrial messages."

The doctor Campaign is one of the world's leading cryptologists, with years of experience in military organizations of the United States, according to Kevin W. Smith.

Smith tells how to consult with an expert (unidentified) on the document, he was surprised that were not used common words as "may", "as reported "or" is believed to be ", but, surprisingly, it was clearly stated" receive messages from outer space "and" this is how to decode those messages. "

According to Dr. Campaign, the messages had mathematical equations and the list of our Periodic Table of the Elements. However, there are words translated and others that are not understood.


Kamehasutra En Francai

Kennedy was interested in aliens before his assassination

U.S. President John F. Kennedy was interested in aliens and UFOs days before his murder, reveals today the site

A letter recently published shows that 10 days before his assassination, Kennedy wrote the head of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) to demand be available to highly confidential documents held by that entity about UFOs. According

William Lester, who writes a new book about the late president, the CIA released the letter under the Freedom of Information Act.

In the matter of the letter, dated November 12, 1963, the president proposes to make a "classification review of all intelligence files about UFOs that affect national security," and requesting access to these documents. Add

site that a second letter, written in the same date was sent to the European Space Agency (NASA) showing the interest of establishing cooperation with the Soviet Union in activities in this field, as posed by the Daily Mail told Lester

AOL News that the governor was concerned that the Soviets might interpret the presence of UFOs as a form of aggression by the Americans.

"I think this is one reason why I wanted to get their hands on this information and get out of the jurisdiction of NASA so he could tell the Soviets: Look, not us, we're not doing, "he adds.

The Daily Mail raises the question: "Was John F. Kennedy killed by his interest in aliens?". AOL News

But recognize that this interest in UFOs has picked now to feed the conspiracy theories about the crime.

The case adds digital site, makes a resurgence of interest in an alleged report that a UFO investigator said he received from an element in the CIA leak in the 90's.

According to the researcher, the informant said he worked for the CIA between 1960 and 1974 and took the document, marked Top Secret, a fire when the agency burned some sensitive files, says the Daily Mail

The note director of the CIA refers to a group of soldiers and scientists, allegedly appointed by President Harry Truman, to investigate the possible presence of aliens on Earth.

Lancer also refers to the pseudonym of Kennedy for services, and says: "As you know, Lancer has some questions about our activities, we can not afford."


Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Western Chickan Planetsuzy

supposed UFO Photographed in Argentina and apparent UFO

During Easter last person believed to have taken a picture of a dish flying, as has been reported that the website of the newspaper Tribune Argentina.

One witness was able to portray the moment. This was the famous Tony Galvagno airline pilot, who starred in the 1990's in Joaquin V. Roswell González Argentino publicized case that had national and international impact. At that time, the airman Cachena witnessed in Anta, the fall of a strange object that caused a huge explosion. Then claimed he was threatened by various organizations, he was forced to abandon the investigation had begun.

According to the story of what happened last weekend, the ship remained in suspension for about half an hour between 19.30 and 20, Saturday 23. He said that taking advantage of the long weekend decided to spend with his family a few days in Cachi, where he rented a house in the urban area of \u200b\u200bthe town.

"On Saturday afternoon, in hours of prayer, we saw a strange formation in the mountains, similar to a large UFO. But to be dark because the sun was behind it, not struck us initially because we assumed it could simply be a cloud, "he said Galvagno. However clarified that the minutes pass, and softer the light of day began to surface luster of the object that immediately gave security to him, his family and hundreds of tourists who strolled through the square, that there was a cumulus nimbus , simple and light, but a ship.

"I talked with people, because the object remained suspended in the sky and we all agreed that the evening found the perfect shapes, sharp and metallic UFO. Thus, in the eyes of hundreds of disappeared people, "the pilot.


Monday, April 25, 2011

What Is The Path Of Water Through The Body

missile found in Japan

A controversial new video has been uploaded to YouTube on an unidentified flying object. According to what you see in the picture, a white dial remains stationary in the sky while your left, what looks like a missile, going in their direction. However, after a minute of flight, the event never occurs, since the missile trajectory change of up and looks off.

According to the sites that were announced this, the video was supposedly recorded in Japan, this country affected by a mega-earthquake, tsunami and now faces a serious nuclear emergency. Right there have been other UFO flying over the Fukushima nuclear plant. Is this another case that we add to the above? Or is it a "fake"?

M.a.c. Nc30 Foundation Swatch

If you read that right, both San Carlos and Cambaceres Def will play their next match on Monday May 2 at 1530 Hrs
La Villa receives Social fallen almost English, from the Genacio 15.30hs Salice for the date 37 of the B Metropolitana, also the day is completed as follows: Friday 29/04 15.30hs. Communications - Sarmiento, Monday 2 / 5 15.30 15.30 Hs Tristan Suarez - Anderson, College - Acassuso, Students - Advocates, Chicago - Flanders, En Italiano - San Telmo, Central Barracks - Brown ( A), Platense - Almagro 20.00 and Temperley - Deportivo Armenio. Tuesday 3 / 5 21.00 (TV) Deportivo Morón - Atlanta.

For its part, the date 36 of the C tournament (where you can scream Lamadrid Champion) is played through integrity on Monday 2 / 5 from 15.30 with this schedule: DALMINE-VILLA FENIX SAN MIGUEL-MIDLAND, LINIERS-LN ALEM, WORKSHOPS (RE) - CTRAL. CORDOBA (R.), URQUIZA BERAZATEGUI-JJ, Excursion-GRAL. Lamadrid, URQUIZA-DEF. Of Cambaceres, Sacachispas-THE FUTURE, LUJAN-Laferrere and


Indian Women Without Pants

"There is enough food to end hunger"

stated Olivier de Schutter, UN special rapporteur for the right to food

Olivier de Schutter, UN special rapporteur for the right to food, makes repeat the words of his predecessor, Jean Ziegler: "When a child dies of hunger in the world, he or she has been murdered." With these words, De Schutter want to affect the responsibility of governments to famine.

billion people in the world are hungry. Is there enough food to end hunger or should it produce more?

enough food now. Famine is not just a question that we have to produce more, but that these products are well distributed and people have the purchasing power to buy food. Furthermore, citizens of developed countries would have to rethink who eat too many calories.

You are a strong defender of agroecology (implementation of sustainable agriculture) to combat famine.

is no magic formula, but it has been shown that in this way, without relying on modern technology, agriculture produces more. No need to modernize agriculture industries imitating. In addition, agroecology is not dependent on external factors such as rising oil prices.

"Citizens of the West must consider the calories you take"

The price of food is at its peak and food production is concentrated in few hands, how do you stop? There

unavoidable factors such as weather, and others against whom we can fight, such as increasing investment in small farms, support to small farmers, improving their social protection and strengthen farmers' organizations. Furthermore, there to help both those who reside in the city offering cheap products.

Today, what countries have the worst outlook regarding the famine?

Given the number of inhabitants, highlight India. But most crisis countries are Haiti, Democratic Republic of Congo, Somalia and Niger. The fact that people still go hungry demonstrates that the Millennium Development Goals (eight points raised by the United Nations to end poverty by 2015) are a real fiasco that focuses only on purely statistical achievements.

You have been very critical of the block from Israel to Gaza, which naturally affects the right to food.

is a very serious problem and Israel is acting with impunity, to other States would not be allowed.

(From Rebellion)