Sunday, April 10, 2011

Low Water Flow New Valve Pfister

By: David Brooks *

million hungry here. We are not talking Haitian, or African, or Asian or South American favelas, but the extraordinary fact that in the richest country in the world with the most productive agricultural sector, millions suffer from what is called food insecurity, or which translates as Christian not knowing where the next meal will come. allowed in the United States, without the national scandal "that children do not have enough to eat. The national television program CBS News, 60 Minutes, recently showed the faces and stories of homeless families, whose children spoke of how they feel when they do not eat enough. Over 16 million children under age live in poverty, two million more than before the economic crisis that erupted in 2007 - and it is recorded that is the collapse of the middle class occurred more rapidly since the government began to measure half a century ago, reports CBS News.

CBS Many families have ever imagined be homeless or without adequate food for their children as they enjoyed a middle class life. With the crisis, everything is gone.

16.6% of Americans-or more than one of every six-experienced food insecurity at some time in 2009, according to the latest census figures analyzed by Feeding America, the organization largest in the country dedicated to supporting those affected by this situation, in his recent report Meal Map the Gap (

In fact, the organization reports that today provides support services to 37 million Americans, including 14 million children, an increase of 46% compared to 2006.

Even in the capital of the world's most powerful country, more and more hungry. In the Washington metropolitan area and surrounding counties more than 400 000 residents suffered periods of starvation during the recession, according to recent report by Feeding America and its analysis by The Washington Post. Million in each of the country, both rich and underserved areas, also reported growing numbers of hungry.

"There have been times when I have not eaten for my children to have more to eat. I am an adult, I can do. I can drink water or eat a piece of bread. But you do not want your children to come and say 'Mom , I have hunger 'an hour after they have eaten, "the Post said Anita Emerson, a single mother of 46 years. These stories are repeated across the country.

And what is the government's response? Aims to reduce food aid to the needy, promote further cuts in social spending and reduce income taxes on millionaires.

Mark Bittman food critic of The New York Times announced Monday that was in addition to fasting for a week with some 4 000 people across the country, whose purpose is to draw public attention to the proposals in Congress to reduce assistance programs severely for the poor and the hungry in this country.

"These cuts, supposedly to reduce the deficit would be a slot-just-cause in fact more people die of hunger, go to bed hungry or live more miserably than now. And the bill will increase defense spending "he said. This, he said, before several ironies: in 2010, corporate profits grew at the fastest rate since 1950, as he set a record in the number of people who depend on federal assistance to eat.

added that the 400 richest Americans have more wealth than half the country's households combined, while 45% of Americans spend a third of their income on food and still not enough, and one in four children sleep hungry in this country, at least for periods.

Bittman says: We need to get together and insist that our collective resources are used for collective welfare, not the thousand or a million for the wealthiest Americans, but for the vast majority of us in America and indeed for the world's citizens who are struggling to meet their needs. Or to feed their children.

But apparently, hunger is not among the priorities of economic or political leaders of this country. Apparently, food insecurity is not a matter considered of national security.

Taken from La Jornada, Mexico)


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