Thursday, April 28, 2011

Desert Eagle Airsoft Golden

A Gallego in decline. Both the Monday

A Berisso City arrived on Monday, the English social club, with the requirement of adding to leave the painful situation that is very close to having another demotion.
The club's history brings us to 1956. THE 12 October 1956 under the name Club Deportivo English in Buenos Aires to group under a football institution, the English community and their descendants. In 1957 joined the AFA and began his involvement in the Amateur category or Third Ascent (now First D). And has the record for our football team went fastest of the First Division D: in 10 years swept all categories.
After relegation in 1984 amount back to the "A" where it would be for 14 years. They made great sporting achievements as a runner and several third places. You can win several times characterized by the so-called big teams, especially Racing, Boca Juniors and San Lorenzo de Almagro .
In 1998 economic crisis began, and by order of a judge closed the doors on the club by the large number of bankruptcy petitions, a few days later, the returned to open. But that year falls to National "B" after 14 consecutive years in the First Division . The following year the club was closed for three months.
In 2000 declined to First "B" Metropolitan and end within one year, with 71% of creditors agree that the club to remain open, judge Juan Carlos Garibotto decided the closure. But the partners and supporters locked themselves inside the club one week to not auctioned facilities. In those days was issued Trust Law, as the goods of civil society non-profit can not finish for a period of ten years.
In 2003, after some protests from supporters of English, is again close. The fans were presented at the auction and did not miss anyone. This year, the partners created the Social Club, Sport and Cultural English of Argentina as a new institution broken club. He could not use their facilities, but still continued to participate in tournaments AFA with the new name. In 2004 he passed the Temporary Expropriation Act (No. 1253 of the Legislature). On April 30, 2007, the corporation buys South in the closing facilities, the club regained some of its facilities for 20 years.
Today is last in the table means and with many opportunities for relegation. Its closest antecedent is found with a win over Communications by 3 to 1, the party that short a drought of 7 games without a celebration.
These seasonings make the party a special meeting Monday. They play more than three points. With different objectives, the Gallego and the Village will play their last cards.
Gabriel Varela


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