Friday, April 22, 2011

Best Foundation For Warm Skin


Cambaceres There was still coming. Far from those actions meant praised the great built in the tournament, the cast Ensenada defected and lost to Ramblers by 1 to 0. Los del Bajo Belgrano played very concentrated throughout the match, and through good teamwork won the game deservedly so. Red, this time I tried, but had no reaction or game or even tie it.

At the end of a costume that felt the blow of defeat, but also rapidly absorbed, Alejo Santa Maria, the coach who built much of the lifting, justice with nobility recognized the victory of Hikers . "They won very well, and even they might have for some years apart. They raised an intelligent game, we won the midfield, and could not override our game." It was an accurate summary of what we had observed from above. Cambaceres played poorly, Hikers and had much to do with it.

First, because according to the suffocating pressure on the flying zone Cambaceres have not let the ball almost at any time. Moreover, it did delay Adrian Jones, natural leader of this team to the area of \u200b\u200bdefense, to the point to void in his role as conductor. Sanchez and Alvarez were the specialists operate in favor of the plan of Cisneros. That came out perfectly well for Figueroa, who scored the head, managed to give depth to your computer, thanks to the intelligence of their movements. Defenders

without the ball, he could never settle on the ground, and generated almost no offensive chances. A Except for a couple of headers from Benitez and Kissner for each stage. Too little for a cast that in recent days had regained his scoring touch, because he had been playing a circuit that generates it. List

lack of individuality, would fall into redundancy. When the collective game does not work, players usually defections. Unless there are cases like that of Casanova, that pure scuffles unbalanced. But because of an injury, this time could not be "cheek", and then it was likely sterile. Each attack was a center easy for advocates of green, and every step forward, a further demonstration of impotence.
If no advantage was increased almost by accident. Because there were so many chances on goal before it, but very sharp. Especially the shot with which Alvarez shook the crossbar from over 40 meters, which would have closed the stadium if Hueber entered the goal.

Nobody could do anything to unlock a game that started full of confidence Camba, and finished full of nerves. Or income Carrasco, Jaime Diego and the kid could return to the team's identity from the previous games. Hikers compass or robbed as soon as he stepped Ensenada. Already had taken for Belgrano Bajo. Along with the 3 points. Waiting for the coming 23 years.


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