Monday, April 18, 2011

Will Emphysema Cause Sever Pain

The bizarre swirl of Venus' south pole authenticates

hellish temperatures, clouds of acid, poisonous atmosphere ... It looks like a portrait of hell, but it is the prevailing conditions on Venus, the planet closest to Earth and similar throughout the Solar System. Now, scientists have observed for the first time in detail a phenomenon that they had intrigued: a huge atmospheric vortex rotates around its south pole.

Since 1974, the year when the Mariner 10 arrived at Venus, scientists know that about the two poles of the planet are large cyclonic storms. But it was not until the Venus Express, which reached Venus in 2006, to see the awesome spectacle of the clouds forming around a giant spiral just above the south pole. And check that the phenomenon is even stranger than you could imagine.

The results of these unexpected observations just been published in the online edition of the journal Science.

In fact, instead of having as center the geographic pole (as for example with Saturn's strange hexagon), the vortex Venus revolves around a variety of points that only sometimes coincide exactly with the pole. And despite the whirlwind is stable, its shape changes continuously and rapidly, sometimes has an "S", others seem to eight and sometimes has a profile quite irregular.

strange thing also is extremely fast these changes occur. In fact, just 24 hours to swirl profile change completely, indicating the enormous force of the winds that sweep through the southern end of the world from virtually any direction.


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Note: Will these strange entries vortices inside these planets? Will there be the same type of vortex in our world which would confirm the theory of "Hollow Earth"?


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