Friday, April 29, 2011

There Is A White Spot On My Lip Piercing

Chinese Parents concerned about their children's fantasies of "time travel"

attractive Many Chinese parents believe their children's books and television series travel through time, despite growing concern that the issue may impact on mental health their children.

According to some parents, their children have not only referred to such fantasies in class assignments and examinations, but also the comment with their peers and try to find ways to actually move in time.

harmless-sounding these fantasies, many parents are terrified to see that circulate on the Internet "travel guides through time", which instructs the passengers "to crash into a car, swallowing gold, jumping from cliffs and gorge on sleeping pills" Monday informed the newspaper China Youth Daily.

"These stories talk about death!" Says Liu Liang, father of a teenager, adding that the message they convey these stories do see death as something mythical and attractive. "

The truth is that this supposedly humorous touch has led to tragedies in real life.

A Beijing girl 12 years old jumped from a building last year after leaving a letter complaining about their school and showed his desire to "move" to the time of Tang Dynasty (618-907 BC), according to a newspaper report.

why children are attracted to both the idea of \u200b\u200btraveling through time?

One reason could be the stress they face as students. Liu's daughter spent much of their time focused on academics. Besides school work, was enrolled in an art school program is very demanding, which generated a lot of pressure.

"It seems that childhood has become a boring stage," said Liu, referring to her daughter's life. "I like my daughter to engage in reading books that you like, but I worry about being lost in sick fantasies."

Hu Xueyan, a teacher at a secondary school in south China's Guangdong province and the mother of a boy of 11 years, says that "the excessive pressure the school has taken students to seek relief and refuge in fantasies of traveling through time. "

" Children need quality books but the options from which to choose are not many " , said Hu, adding that although classical literature has many advantages, sometimes boring or irrelevant to modern life of children.

Hu said that the lack of appropriate content on television has also a negative effect on young people.

The issuance of series and programs TV whose theme focuses on travel through time has become very widespread and has generated public debate since the beginning of the year.

The State Administration of Radio, Film and Television, supervisor movies and television programs in the country, issued a circular last month to reduce the transmission of programs related to travel through time, criticizing some productions of "defending feudalism, superstition, fatalism and reincarnation."

A user, whose name in the product is "Danmoluqiang" says that the arguments of some dramas travel through time "totally absurd" and could "lead to misunderstandings about the story."

However, others such as microbloggers "aly-chen" consider the dramas should be entertained. "It's just a fun way."



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