Wednesday, April 20, 2011

What Were The Symptos Of Black Death ?

Chilean Ufólogos speak of alleged UFO in Fukushima Alleged ET video

The Chilean ufologists agree that recent sightings of UFOs over nuclear power plant in Fukushima and elsewhere in Japan might be "digital compositions."

Since the World Conference of Ufology in Brazil, Rodrigo Fuenzalida said that "clearly appears to be a digital composition, is required More information on the availability of witnesses and a clearer picture of the area. We must remain cautious. "

Ufologist Luis Sanchez Perry matches Fuenzalida, ensuring on the latest film in Fukushima," For me it is not UFO, but a very distant object. The quality of the footage is very poor (have poor resolution) and as you can see the object moves with the camera, would have been different if the camera was fixed. "

" Besides having been a ship / UFO giant have appeared in more than any other camera, must be hundreds of cameras pointing at Fukushima 24 hours, "he adds.

For its part, Marcelo Moya Sanhueza, a specialist in image analysis of UFOs, does not hesitate to point out that this is a "montage." "After the tragedy was broadcast the first images of the tsunami, in these moments we can see how a white object and long crosses from left to right in the picture. But this" UFO "was just a helicopter, a news agency that covered the tragedy. The confusion was due in large part because this image was released with a poor quality graphics, which is why the elongated shape and unfocused adopted. "

On the last sighting of the NPP, Moya says "can not withstand higher analysis, since it bears any similarity to images that are made with computer graphics animations.


----- Note: While my fellow ufologists are fed up with years of experience in research these devices, all based on their personal assessments when commenting on the alleged UFO Fukushima, not exhaustive analysis of these cases, frame by frame. So we'll wait until someone does a good analysis and publish it.


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