are so many times that this club has stepped up the ante in recent times. There are so many breaks own record he has achieved, and so many times that we must resort to the phrase "for the first time in its history", which costs just measurable in one dimension and in line with achievements. Never before had won in Junín, never had not managed to pack 4 wins row, let alone reached in the Metropolitan B 51 points, while still remaining 12 in the game. "With this triunfazo 2 to 0 in Junín, accomplished all that and much more. He managed to take over a football potential we always knew this team had. But they did not dare to let go.
And if you let go. With these 4 wins in series that began with that win with beating including to Atlanta, followed with two victories over San Telmo sober and English, and continued until Junín, for which players twist in an emotional embrace in the middle of Eva Peron , and the loneliness of the distance traveled. The Villa also won Sarmiento, with authority higher if known, having been removed once and for all, this complex of respect those who were up only by the history of the shirt, but never this.
is that we are witnessing one of the best schools (do not dare to be more forceful in the definition of respect for those who saw the history of the club) has given this institution. And it is good to realize to use it. Now that I know Ricardo Rezza, players seem more loose from the trust they have in themselves, and the coach gives them.
There is a concentrated defense, that beyond Emiliano miss Córdoba, has been careful to give their fullest potential. There is a keeper as Victor Volpe, now if the rise is 2002, or who knew how to shine in significant campaigns of Temperley. There is a midfield that is the football powerhouse generator; lidar Nacho Oroná a sunset, and endorsed the deployment of the boy touching Melillo and Gonzalo Raverta. But there are more and more. Especially in the rich football players uncommon in this category as Nahuel Fernández Silva, Emanuel Sarati and Nery Lima. And in the huge bounty of Fernando Pasquale.
may enter or not reduced. And you say (in fact we do) that if the conviction had come a little earlier would have been greater opportunities. But now, the goal is not to stop trying, because there are to be tried.
"We have players to go out and win anywhere," they say very loose language in any school. In this there are real. So this run, that run is convinced more than football, not surprising for someone who knows both the squad.
So this victory at Junín was much more logical than previously suspected. This is not to say the least celebrated. If life is made of moments, we must seize and capture the most beautiful to be meaningful. The issue is that San Carlos, defying the logic of emotional ups and downs, long time ago decided to live alone happy moments, that move away from that old story of backpacks worn and dreams imposibles.Hoy decided to become great. And I feel fine.
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