Tuesday, May 3, 2011

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hunger in Colombia

The increase of poverty is the exact measure that allows us to see the essence of inequality and injustice of capitalism, for this reason, poverty has become the biggest drag of capitalism. In Colombia and other countries sheltered with the globalization of criminal imperialist policy, grows every day poverty. However, now holds the power, the people intend to drowsy through misleading official statistics, which despite being well embellished, can not hide the glaring enhancement of people's economic misery.

In our land, the latest figures of the previous government, were more than twenty million Colombians plunges into poverty, according to them, three out of four in the field and two of four in the city, yet we know that is a lie, that reality of poor Colombians goes much further. And not easily deceive us, because despite rigged submit reports, such as the DPN DANE and that challenging the accuracy of mathematics, have sought to calm the Colombian people through the media, as El Tiempo, RCN Caracol, among others, inventing that poverty in our country has declined, with the same handle that support, we are the happiest country in the world.

course, that these demagogues lameculos detecnicismos handle a full speech, with the aim of confusing, but the reality is so obvious that the big lie does not echo, even in the progenitors of these gentlemen. For Thus, although the Colombian oligarchy is an expert in statistical fix, the reality is inescapable, the only truth is that the vast majority of Colombians live in poverty, and that to meet the actual conditions of poverty in Colombia, it's like pretend to cover the brightness of the sun with a finger.

Now, it is worth questioning about What can we expect the current government?, Simple, as we have received from the above, the oligarchy is one, their interesesde class are always the same and their primary objective is profit its coffers at the expense of the impoverishment of the toiling masses. Then, without a doubt, we can conclude that poverty continue to increase, the situation of the workers every day will be worse for the sample of a button, elmisérrimo increased legal minimum wage.

Poverty does not come and go every time you change a leader, poverty is a guideline that is part of the catalog ideology of capitalism and U.S. imperialism through the World Bank and International Monetary Fund, with the approval of Colombian oligarchy traitors on the one hand, the country imposed a series of restrictions that increase unemployment, displacement, illiteracy, malnutrition and hence poverty, hunger and death also promote war, terrorism state and its crimes. On the other hand, have imposed their neoliberal model, which puts private interests over the general policy favoring privatization of foreign investment companies (MNCs), to the detriment of Colombian workers.

then asked, what about people?, Why do you always bowed?, Why do you always exploited?, Why do you always oppressed?. Every day, runs quiet compared to the indifferent gaze of millions of human beings, although mired in poverty remain dormant in the consumer world, dreaming of the emergence of a benefactor god, that never appear because does not exist, or simply resign themselves to the story that the afterlife is better than only enjoyed by the poor, esotambién is a lie, then, the dead will pass and nothing else.

Meanwhile, the oppressors, the exploiters, the hand of capitalism and imperialism driven by exploiting the stillness and the fear of the mass, which, we have handled well the verb believe, hold, keep quiet, tolerate . NO MORE, do not expect to take away hunger blindness, exploited workers and oppressed people should start to tear their clothes to get ready to fight. Also, the revolutionaries, socialists, communists, we must face the task and the action of transforming this unjust society, relentlessly carving out the path toward building a new society.

not forget that while there is poverty there will be no peace, no social justice, no equality, no freedom. The road is only one, the people's struggle for genuine socialism.


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