Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Shower-curtain Plasticizersstrong-smell


Disappointing. This was the farewell Cambaceres Defenders of the championship to its people, tired of being patient, exploded at the end and leave with insults to the players and the coach Alejo Santa Maria. Before ninety minutes had elapsed inaccuracies and errors everywhere. And Sacachispas, one of the poorest teams C, was everything. The 3-point streak of 14 games without a victory, and had 36 years without losing Cambaceres against Lille in Ensenada.
the game, would almost fall into a cascade of unpleasant and annoying criticism. Just enough to say that in 90 minutes did not produce a single harmonious play chain with some countries that deserve describe. Only a handful of scoring chances that were more a product of defensive shortcomings of both, than any other thing.

Cambaceres not a lie that could win if the first time Nicholas Kissner had not engaged when I had time and distance to define with the keeper of Saca. Or Maxi Benitez had 2 very clear in the snap, one when the party was 0 to 0. The story had been different then? We encourage you to say that only in the result. Because the performance was bad where you look.

Even commendable that order, the hallmark of St. Mary Alejo equipment. Only the disordered and defective will fly to attack the "as is" and mostly, that as balls went through confusing. Kissner's willingness to lower the ball out to fly because there was never ever. Some homeland of Juan Manuel Oleiros, who tried more than usual, because we had to use it.
But all very poor, very poor.

Arias Navarro, who had started the match as a spectator, should have begun increasingly to use their skills more great goalkeeper, which was a sign that something was wrong as well on defense. Sacachispas's goal in the first quarter of an hour the second time came as a result of both issues. And also a play worthy of the game, ordinary and obscure, off a free kick Oleiros much discussion.

Name changes (all frills and no front), provided no changes in the game. In addition we found that Francisco Ladogana can be more productive on the wings, and not as finished entering driver. The contradiction in the team was given that since the bank was open signal the court with players rays, but from the inside was attacked by the media, until it crashed repeatedly.

With roads blocked by their own impotence, Sacachispas could not believe how to win after 14 rounds he was going to be so simple, to the point that if he had encouraged more, could become the second .
Another conclusion of a grueling week in a pitiful tournament that never was enough to thrill the fans to suck the least at some point the small. Because the lifting, that's great match against Liniers, arrived late and left very quickly.
The constant of this team has been on 37 dates, the image of helplessness and ineffectiveness offensively.

A squad that was put together with great enthusiasm and reach the final with a huge frustration. A campaign in addition to failure unwanted, but undeniable. A club must be changed urgently to return to prominence lost, and longed for the glory. Are the days ahead. It once and for all, and truth, the time of the resurrection, not having to comment, how are you to Sacachispas defeats, nor so bad campaigns.


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