Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Schooner Ship 1600-1700

Camba on Friday, La Villa on Monday

Def. of Cambaceres closes the tournament on Friday at 15.30 Hrs and Villa San Carlos Lujan receives Flandria next Monday 15.30 Hrs
The Red plays its last game of the season on Friday May 13 from 15:30 Hs front Lujan, in the city's Basilica, with the arbitration of King Leandro Hilfer, the same judge who was in the victory 2 to 1 against Leandro N. Alem road.

On the side of Celeste Berisso must say that to date 39 of the B tournament Metropolitan receives Flandria on Monday 16 of current, starting at 15.30 Hs in Genacio Salice, with arbitrje Pablo Sandoval, who already directed in 4 opportunities with individual ties (3 rd date Visiting Chicago 1a1, 8 th date Barracks Visitor Central 1-1, 10 th date Temperley Visiting 0-0 and 28 th date also Visiting 1-1 draw Dep Morón .)


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